Montag, 20. Juni 2011

Back in Munich

After a little surftrip to South France I´m back im Munich. As you probably recognized I was pretty lazy with updating my blog. But actually the truth is I forgot my computer at home. I just want to say that I´m not sorry for that. As I´m a human beeing I enjoy to be free and from time to time just do nothing. I know it´s a hard thing to say but I can´t take people serious who have to post everything they do and can´t live without the fucking internet. It´s kinda stupid to say that because in the time of facebook it´s hard to find people who are not like this and you are probably as well. But still I hope you are not and you are one of the kind that goes out skateboarding for yourself and dont think about the rest.
If you think: "what the fuck is he talking about" you´re probably wrong on this blog cause this is what I wanna do with the foreal projekt. KEEP IT REAL

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